
Saturday 4 June 2011

Lady GaGa's Born This Way and Lebanon

GaGa's Born This Way CD may be at No 1 in 21 countries including the UK but it has no chance of topping the charts in Lebanon.

It has been banned in the Middle East country after being deemed "offensive to Christianity".

A shipment of the album arrived there this week but was immediately impounded by authorities in the General Security department on grounds of taste. There might be a religious factor.

GaGa has come in for some serious stick from religious groups in the US for the track Judas and in April the single was taken off radio stations in Lebanon.

It's lucky that, the New Yorker has no live shows booked there at the moment - I don't think that the crucifix on her leather undercrackers would go down very well at all. That said, she's in her own force field in some of her outfits anyway.

Now there is the matter of system by which the problem can be solved.

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